Imagine … living life in peace

Imagine a Secretary of Peace advising the president, during times of crisis, as well as throughout the year.
Imagine the positive results of the talent, expertise and goodwill of thousands of Americans working in a cabinet-level Department of Peace—dedicated people who have been trained in conflict resolution, peace-building and mediation; sensible people well-versed in history, geography, politics, sociology and psychology; realistic people who know that a better world is possible and now have a place to channel that vital intention and energy.
Imagine the renewal of respect from the people of the world for the United States as it openly dedicates itself to peace-making, as part of its national and strategic policy. Imagine the more peaceful outcomes in international relations across the board, which will dramatically increase U.S. national security.
Imagine also the pathology of violence in all its myriad forms starting to heal within American society, where numerous local peace-building programs whose “ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure” nature are recognized, fully funded, and replicated all over the country.
Imagine a palpable improvement in the quality of life for everyone. Once we experience this unprecedented cultural and social renaissance, we will never allow ourselves to go back to the old ways. I submit that we’ve been trained to expect very little from government, from our neighbors, from ourselves. We must now raise our expectations, and act on them.
Peace is the top national-security issue. Peace is the prerequisite to the full flowering of human potential, about which we presently may have only the faintest notion.
Right now, our government, which represents the will of the people who want peace, does not have a well-organized, well-thought-out agency of significant gravitas, heft, or funding that works to prevent violence and create peace both at home and abroad.
If peace is the goal, then why not establish a Deptartment of Peace? I am certain that in the year 2020, when we do have one, we will scratch our heads and wonder why it took so long.
Please become informed about the campaign and the bill, H.R. 808, to establish a Department of Peace. You can find out about local meetings and plans through the Peace Alliance ( Also contact Sen. Barbara Boxer, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Wally Herger and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.