How bad is it?

Here are some quick statistics on unemployment

Percentage of Americans unemployed: 10

The last year the rate was this high: 1983

Percentage of Californians unemployed: 12.4

Total number of Californians unemployed (seasonally adjusted): 2,254,400

Percentage of Californians underemployed (includes those who have stopped looking for work): 17.3

Percentage of the unemployed who have been so for more than seven months: 40

Percentage of Butte County residents who are unemployed: 13.4

Size of Butte County labor force: 104,000

Total number of unemployed in Butte County: 13,900

Percentage of Glenn County residents who are unemployed: 15.9

Percentage of Tehama County residents who are unemployed: 15.1

Percentage of Colusa County residents who are unemployed: 25.9

County with lowest unemployment: Marin 7.8%

County with highest unemployment: Imperial 27.7%

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, California Economic Development Department