Housing law changes

City alters rules for ‘granny units’

The City Council on Tuesday (March 6) approved adoption of state changes to regulations regarding accessory dwelling units (ADUs), also known as “granny units,” as a way to address the housing crisis.

Owners must live on the property and tenants must live in the ADU for more than 30 days to discourage vacation rentals or transient occupancy, said Principal Planner Bruce Ambo. The city cannot require additional parking if the main residence is within half a mile from a bus stop, which applies to most of Chico. ADUs also cannot be charged connection or capacity fees for sewer, water or other utilities.

The council approved the state-mandated changes 6-1, with Councilman Andrew Coolidge opposing, calling the regulations overarching and harmful. Councilman Karl Ory said it’s an “important step” in addressing the housing crisis.