Greens in bed with Issa? Disgusting!

I find it incomprehensible that anyone of the Green persuasion is crawling into bed with the likes of Darrell Issa! I find it completely disgusting that there are enough unprincipled Greens to prevent their convention from formally opposing the dishonest losers’ recall effort.
Since none of the Republicans can win an honest election, they’re attempting to purchase the Governors Office. We (the taxpayers) just held an election, and Gray Davis won. Sore losers should try again next time around and not cost us $30 million in the process.
Recall provisions allow us to recall for gross malfeasance in office. Davis had only been in office a very short time before this attempted theft of the election was started. Green Party candidate Peter Camejo is invited to make available his justification for supporting this recall, other than his disgusting, opportunistic attempt to get his name on the ballot despite the reprehensible use of the recall law to circumvent the honest and regularly scheduled election process. I wonder if his name appears on a recall petition?
Gray Davis ran up a debt—lots of people were ripped off by Enron. California was a victim of that horrid (Bush-supported) company. Would these wizards have been happier to have their televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers and computers turned off for the summer? Davis did keep the lights on—could Camejo have done better?
It is impossible to create a silk purse out of this sow’s ear of an election. Camejo is delusional if he believes he’ll get 95 percent of the rank-and-file vote. This rank and filer will never support him for anything, and I don’t think I’m alone. He couldn’t get my vote for trash collector if he were running unopposed! If I am going to have an unprincipled, dishonest, opportunistic governor, I’d just as soon he be a Republican.
In my view, the only way to hang onto any integrity at all is to vote “no” on the recall, period! Anything short of that puts Greens directly into bed with the Republicans, and they might just as well reregister and get on the ballot in their appropriate party. I’m pleased to know that a significant number of Greens have shown some class—but not enough of them to do what’s right.
Yes, I do expect more integrity from the left. I have long known about the dirty tricks of the Republicans. We are in a fight unlike any we have faced before, for the preservation of our country, nothing less. I expect everyone who isn’t "one of them" to be one of us. Or we’ll all hang separately.