Green-living guidance

Web site gives consumers the sustainable scoop

Given the current state of the economy, green-conscious consumers need to know that their hard-earned money spent on environmentally friendly, sustainable products (which oftentimes cost more than the conventional equivalent) is money well-spent.

For some help, take a look at Green by Design, a San Francisco-based Web site featuring an extensive, informative blog section containing numerous categories, such as energy efficiency, green building, sustainable design and water. It also has a guides section offering thorough information on eco-friendly water heaters, water filters, insulation, linens, lighting and paint.

Green by Design’s shop section—which includes furniture, toys, lighting, sporting goods and cosmetics—is uniquely useful. Each item offered is rated by a scorecard telling the potential buyer why it’s a good green investment. Green facts are listed, such as the item’s lifespan/durability, its energy efficiency, how much of it is made from recycled materials, the business practices used to manufacture the product, and whether or not it is fair-trade certified.