Cool new classes

Fifty-one courses are making their debuts at Chico State this fall. Some sound like a blast; others sound like a bore (at least to those of us not into Curriculum Development and Instructional Strategies for Secondary Settings, or Fundamentals of Concrete Properties & Testing). Here are classes that jumped off the list kindly compiled by Academic Publications:

Department Class # Title
Applied Computer Graphics170Video Game Design
Business Administration 115Intro to Business Values (guest lecturer: D. Trump)
Computer Science448Survey of Computer Security (prereq for Hacking 105?)
Geological and Environmental Sciences436Volcanology (gotta love lava)
Mathematics117 Hands-On Lab (5 fingers + 1 saw = …)
Physical Education102Beginning Archery (you go, William Tell!)

Brain Freeze
The National Center for Education Statistics estimates there are 18 million students enrolled in U.S. colleges this year.