Letters for May 24, 2007

Crying out for criticism
I eagerly opened May 17’s News & Review for a review of Lindsay Lohan’s new film, Georgia Rule. Alas, though your paper does have “Review” in its title, there was no review. Lindsay Lohan is the new Marilyn Monroe! This is the discovery of the decade.

Lohan is the raison d'être for the film—she transcends film and is an art form in herself. There were some other actors in the film—I seem to recall Jane Fonda—but Lohan outshines them all. Because of her, this could be the first chick flick for guys.

The film opens with some guy finding her asleep under some billboard alongside the road. Why can’t I be that lucky?

Michael M. Peters

Editor’s note: Check out Film Shorts for a review—yes, review—by Craig Blamer.

Protestor, do the right thing
Re: “Counting the dead” (Downstroke, CN&R, May 10):

When I heard about the war memorial [May 7-11 in Children’s Park], I made a point to make it down there to see it before it left Chico. I felt it was my duty as a citizen to bear witness to what was happening in Iraq.

It was breathtaking and overwhelming to walk the long line of flags and to see the sea of humanity lost. I left the memorial thinking of my children and thinking of the children lost—and as a conscious objector to the war.

Had I been allowed to leave the park with these thoughts, it would have been the perfect effect the creators would have wanted to achieve.

But instead I was visually attacked by a man with signs attached to both sides of the entrance. I wasn’t able to leave without also seeing his message: “If you drive a car, you cannot truly be against the war!” And: “Good luck when you are paying $5.00 at the pump you deserve it …”

Instead of leaving with love and peace in my heart, I left feeling angry that this guy was attacking me for driving. It’s sad that such a powerful message can be diluted so.

Support recycling, support hybrid technology, support conscious usage of nonrenewable resources. Give handouts on solar technology, or the new green-friendly laws passed in California. But do not attack those who are trying to educate themselves on what the realities are, and further the gap between those who care and those who don’t.

Anna Caul

Evidence for a 9/11 case
Re: “Answering for myself” (In My Eyes, by Evan Tuchinsky, CN&R, May 10):

9/11 was a crime. People conspired to achieve it. Our government would have us believe it was Osama and the Middle East. The evidence used to sway the public, however, was purely anecdotal.

In a court of law, the strongest evidence is physical and empirical, while the weakest is anecdotal and circumstantial because anyone can lie. Regarding the WTC collapse, all evidence proves that explosive demolition is the only suspect worth bringing to trial.

Here are 10 pieces of a multitude of evidence, which must be addressed before a verdict but were ignored in this trial by television:

1. Tower 1 exploded before the first plane hit (seen and heard on film and audio).

2. The fire was not strong enough to melt metal (physics).

3. Molten metal flowed from the tower before collapse (film).

4. Thousands of explosions during the collapse propelled concrete dust and beams sideways for hundreds of yards (film).

5. Molten metal remained under the rubble weeks after the collapse (thermal imaging).

6. WTC 1, 2 and 7’s collapses and other demolitions are the same (video).

7. No steel-framed building has been proven to fail due to fire.

8. Thermite residue was found in melted metal samples.

9. Microscopic spheres of metal were found in lungs of the survivors.

10. Only boiling metal produces these tiny spheres (physics).

Lastly, I was very entertained by the sound trouncing Anthony Watts incurred following his weak jab at 9/11 investigators [in his May 3 letter]. I formally challenge Mr. Watts to debate what caused WTC collapse.

David Kiefer

‘Witch’ side effect
Re: “Leap of faith or pig in a poke?” (Newslines, by Robert Speer, CN&R, May 10):

I enjoy Robert Speer’s expressive style, but I’d like to address the phrase “ugly old witch.” Likely, this was merely a poetic metaphor used to conjure up connotations from fairy tales.

In reality, a Western tradition of natural medicine used to thrive. Then, bloodthirsty power-mongers massacred all the wise women who held power in their communities as natural healers. This occurred in Europe during the “witch hunts” of the 14th to 17th centuries. Out of this devastating shock arose our current medical system that opposes the body’s issues with drugs and surgery.

Dispelling the aversion that still looms around the word “witch” helps people find natural therapies that heal them.

Irene Cardenas

She’s with the program
Re: “Growing pains at KZFR” (Newslines, by Mark Lore, CN&R, May 10):

KZFR is one of Chico’s treasures. I have had the privilege to be a volunteer programmer since the early days. KZFR has always been a volunteer organization. This brings a lot of different people together. I’ve been through and witnessed a lot of drama over the years.

Recently there has been a minor misunderstanding that was escalated. Thanks for the free press. All that is needed is a simple face-to-face talk. There are no good-guy/bad-guy things going on. I keep hearing Kozmic Kev’s voice in my head saying, “Talk to each other, people.”

Jill Paydon and the other paid staff at KZFR have been a wonderful addition to the station. They have treated programmers and volunteers with fairness and respect. They are professionals and have done a terrific job.

Having a general manager has brought continuity, stability, accountability and cohesiveness to the station. The last three years with a station manager, we have enjoyed a safer, calmer and less confrontational environment. Thanks, Jill, for dealing with this box of cats.

Jan Bielfelt

Huh? Oh: thanks!
Re: “Designing dissent” (Backbeat, by Nick Gillespie, CN&R, May 10):

The reviewer critiques claiming bewilderment (and cartoonists can die for a pen).

I am bewildered enough to dissent from dissenting whilst avoiding bumping into memes that abound in this sea of pluses and minuses. Words flow, and gardens grow … and choices happen. To view or not is our discretion.

Nick Gillespie’s review tweaked my need to peek into the pages of this ultimately promiscuous book.

Lani Lila

Punch(line) to the gut
Isn’t it remarkable that when one sensational story ends, a new one miraculously appears to keep us spellbound? For instance, Anna Nicole Smith has departed, and Paris Hilton dutifully availed herself as a viable substitute.

What would we do if we had to face reality?

Joe Bahlke
Red Bluff

Plea for Moral Majority
Jerry Falwell was the creator of the Moral Majority. Now that he has passed, I’d like to know: Where is the Moral Majority in our life? How do we make sure it stays?

Please have the Christian family of God write and e-mail the president and vice president and witness to them.

Please surround them constantly with quality Christian brothers and pray with them. Please try to get that anointing of Christ on them and keep it there.

In memory of Jerry Falwell and his efforts to make this a better place, let’s choose to be the Moral Majority and make decisions for our friends and family we can be proud of. Let us now remember him, get rid of evil, and work for the common good. Moral Majority, I’m sorry for your loss.

Rochelle Smith

Editor’s note: Ms. Smith is founder of the Wisemen, a new Christian-based community group.

Thank-you notes
I thank from the bottom of my heart all the unbelievable volunteers who spoke and hosted speakers on the buses during Butte County’s first Spare the Air Week. I was on those buses four days of that week hosting and listening to historians, water specialists, geologists and naturalists, and came away feeling what a beautiful county we have!

We all have to thank the Butte County Air Quality Management District for providing the funding for the free rides and publicity; the League of Women Voters, which produced speakers and hosts; the Chico City Council for proclaiming April 30 to May 5 Spare the Air Week; our local media; the Butte Transit System, which pulled this whole wonderful thing off, and all the people who rode the buses that week.

With a county filled with people like this, I think we really can have clean skies again!

Linda Furr
League of Women Voters

The fifth annual May Magic, held May 12 at the Dorothy Johnson Center, was a sparkling all-ages event packed with one delight after another.

May Magic is the annual fundraiser to support youth programs sponsored by Community Collaborative for Youth. It could not have been such a success without the involvement of an amazing array of people and generous donations from the community.

We had quite a team to pull it off, and I want to express my appreciation to all involved.

There is not space to list everyone by name, but I especially want to thank the wonderful folks who entertained us. And most special thanks to all the wonderful folks, younger and older, who came out to support and enjoy.

Once again, many thanks to all for making a terrific May Magic!

Emily Alma
Community Collaborative for Youth