Old world beat, new world order

Perla Batalla, a pure product of Los Angeles.

Perla Batalla, a pure product of Los Angeles.

The Busheviki may be remaking the world in their own image, with a Hummer in every driveway and an Outback Steakhouse around every bend, but plenty of people disagree with that monochrome vision. Throughout this weekend, from Thursday, July 17, to Sunday, July 20, musicians and fans committed to a now-archaic 1990s vision of cultural diversity will gather at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley to play and listen to music from a variety of cultures, from Robert Cray’s blues to Alasdair Fraser’s Scottish fiddling, Perla Batalla’s canciones, the Palm Wine Boys’ African-style guitar tunes and more. Even Mumbo Gumbo is on board. See www.worldfest.net for performance times and information.