Issue: June 02, 2011

God and jokes

It sounds like an odd combination, but contributing writer Todd Walton pulls it off. He writes about his relationship with his father, how jokes permeated his childhood and religion.

In other news: Farewell to Bernie Vigallon, who's retiring from Fair View after decades of helping troubled youth; more on Measure A--check out Guest Comment, letters, news and editorials; Arts DEVO dishes about dishing; and a Paradise couple's efforts to feed the newly hungry on the Ridge.

Have a great weekend, and keep reading!

Meredith J. Graham, managing editor

PS--For all you golfers out there, here's a great opportunity to play a round for a good cause. The CN&R is sponsoring Links for Literacy on June 18 at Tuscan Ridge Golf Course, with proceeds benefiting the Butte County Library. Entry is $80/player and includes a sack lunch and a chance to win prizes. Log on and sign up!