Trump’s latest recruit

Trump’s latest recruit

Brothel owner Dennis Hof has published an essay in the Pahrump Valley Times entitled “Why I switched parties and became a Republican.”

Hof, owner of three Nevada brothels, ran for the Nevada Assembly as a Libertarian this year, losing to two-term Republican James Oscarson 39 to 61 percent.

In his essay, he seeks to identify himself with Donald Trump:

“Millions of Americans—some quite ideological, but many not—decided that massive change in D.C. was just what the doctor ordered. They embraced the notion of ‘draining the swamp.’ They rejected political correctness. They rejected weakness in the face of our enemies. They rejected massive law-breaking on our streets. They rejected open borders. They rejected trade deals that export American jobs. And as a T-shirt I saw recently proclaims, they rejected Obama playing the race card and Hillary playing the woman card. Instead, Americans played the ‘Trump’ card. But truth be told, both parties lost. On the GOP side the ‘establishment’ Republicans—who have ridden herd over the party apparatus and levers of power for years—took it in the shorts, too. And they, too, are having a tough time coming to grips with the reality that their reign is over.”