Obama sign burned

Obama sign burned

A sign supporting the Obama/Biden ticket was burned at someone’s home by an unknown arsonist.

A reader comment posted on the RN&R website (see Letters, page 3) reads in part, “Tonight, March 10, at 10:10 pm someone set our ‘OBAMA/BIDEN’ sign on fire. … I tried to catch the perpetrator, but was unable to find him. … The sign will go back up in the morning with all of its scars. Perhaps I will catch up with the Limbaugh loving axxholes next time!!!! The sign will be up in the morning and will stay up. Police report filed.”

A Reno Police Department spokesperson confirmed the incident occurred: “We do have a report on file. Essentially, our reporting party saw flames out his front window, went out and discovered the sign had been lit on fire. He saw an unknown male riding away on a bicycle in the area. It is unknown if this individual had anything to do with the sign being lit. There is no additional information available on any possible suspects.”

The victim is Anthony Matulich, who lives on Grandview Avenue.

Fire has been a favored form of protest by some of Obama’s critics. Over the years, Obama signs have been burned in Altadena, Ca., Boca Raton, Fl., St. Peters, Mo. An effigy of the president was burned in West Allis, Wis. In Springfield, Mass., a black church under construction was torched the day after Obama’s election.