Letters for May 3, 2001

Consumer culture hurting kids

Re “High school low” (RN&R Guest Comment, April 12):

Thank you, Mallory Nelson. You have addressed the very sad and frightening aspect of young white boys and men, who feel the only solution to their frustrations is to shoot someone. You are completely right: Baby Boomer parents (I am one of them) are obsessed in their pursuit of the bigger, better THING. Not all of us are sucked into this vortex, but you are correct that my generation has a difficult time with dealing with responsibility. That’s why there are so many idiotic lawsuits for money—"the McDonalds hot coffee cup syndrome,” as I like to call it. Our culture places a greater value on making money above everything else. Kids get the raw deal when love and affection are replaced by the need for bigger houses and cars.

It’s not easy for people to cut back and do with less when they are encouraged by the spend-spend culture. But you give me hope, as you appear to be aware of what is going on. And when your time comes to be a parent, you’ll know how you want to shape your family: positive, loving and paying attention.

Karen Ingraham

Losers ride the bus

Re “Bus or Bust!” (RN&R, March 29):

“Bus or Bust!” was a very sophomoric story by Carli Cutchin and Deidre Pike. It is unfortunate that people in Reno suffer from the “Jimmy Boegle syndrome,” which means, “Gosh, I have lived in Reno for years, and I have never ridden the bus.” In San Francisco, you’ll ride BART; in New York City or Philadelphia, you will ride the subway, but in general, Caucasian Americans will not use mass transit.

In most cities like Reno, seniors, minorities, the unemployed and the handicapped use public transit. That’s reality. For a Caucasian professional, riding the bus means that you are a loser.

As America becomes more multi-racial, and as more seniors are living longer, bus ridership will increase—but don’t expect the situation to change dramatically any time in the near future. If gasoline cost $5 per gallon, Caucasian professionals would still not ride the bus. When parking hits $20 per day, then a change in behavior evolves. When they have to pay big-time for parking, suddenly yuppies are willing to ride the bus. But they still use their cars when not working.

Reno is now immersed in urban sprawl. The future here is really bleak. I have met women who have asked me to teach them to ride the bus. To me, that borders on insanity. Let Reno be Reno. Let Renoites pledge allegiance to the “Jimmy Boegle syndrome.”

Jay Star

You damn intolerant liberals!

Re “Hate Target” (RN&R, April 12):

I live in Reno, and I am appalled. Your article paints Michael Savage as a hate-monger and a racist, and specifically [quotes a San Jose Mercury News columnist who] calls him “the slimiest guy in talk radio.” First of all, I detest the phrase “hate speech.” It amounts to nothing more than what could also be considered a thought crime.

I’ve noticed that any white, heterosexual, Christian, outspoken patriots have become reviled by most of the sheeple who have been spoon-fed by the leftist/liberal media propaganda. I’m tired of the left spewing anything and everything, no matter how much of a lie they are promoting; no matter how much they try to push lifestyles upon us which we feel are wrong; no matter how often they decry praying or Christianity in the public square; no matter how much they say they are “tolerant,” when we are literally hated and muffled more times than not. Tolerance is an oxymoron with you people. Political correctness has destroyed this once great republic (not a DEMOCRACY). I’ve never seen a tolerant liberal; liberals detest Christians, pro-lifers and all that has made America great.

Keep your propaganda in Kalifornia! We don’t need your paper in Reno unless you are willing to speak truth. The problem is, you don’t have enough guts to do so. Michael Savage does.

Barbara Alford

Good to see Guy again

Re “Hate Target” (RN&R, April 12):

What a pleasure it was to see Guy Richardson’s byline once again. His article, “Hate Target,” was beautifully written and very enlightening. He is one of our area’s finest writers, and I have certainly missed reading him. Kudos to the RN&R for featuring his excellent work.

Toni Tennille
Washoe Valley