Save D-Q University!

They will save D-Q University. Will you?

They will save D-Q University. Will you?

Check out Mentes Diferentes, DJ Eraserhead and Mindspeakers on Saturday, March 7, 9 p.m.; free, donations appreciated; 21 and over. Kamon Japanese Restaurant, 2210 16th Street. For more information, visit

We’re fast approaching a time when people are going to ask you to save things: “Save the Javalounge!”; “Save The Sacramento Bee!”; “Save the humpback whale!”; “Save yourself—Jesus is coming!” So it’s going to be up to you what you can afford to save and what you can just let go.

I, for one, am going to save Javalounge, the Bee, the humpback whale and myself (because I’m extra scared of Jesus). But I’m also going to save D-Q University, because I’m also scared of Native Americans. No, that’s a joke, but I do want to save D-Q University, because it’s the only tribal university in California. But it’s in danger of closing because of loss of accreditation, alleged financial mismanagement and declining enrollment—which is all administrative stuff that nobody with a heart cares about. What matters is that the school aims to provide alternative education means for Native American people. And education is more important than anything else in the world. Even you, Jesus.

And what better way to help save a Native American university than at a sushi restaurant near Broadway? Well, there isn’t one, especially when there is a deejay spinning records and emcees rapping.

Go to this show, save Native American education.