Food Stuff

Illustration By Conrad Garcia

When lunchtime rolls around, you won’t see your typical state worker partying like Paris Hilton. Nope, our civil servants want lunch cheap and fast, which makes the arrival of quite a welcome sight. In fact, Hana Café may have the best downtown lunch bargain: $2.95 for a rice bowl topped with chicken teriyaki, chicken sesame or grilled salmon. The rice bowls also include a couple of vegetable chunks (we’ve seen either broccoli or carrot). So, all told, you get three food groups for less than three bucks. As an added bonus for those who occasionally pack a lunch from home, the meal comes in a reusable, microwave-safe container. The ready-made Japanese items arrive at 10:30 a.m. from Midtown’s Sakurabana Restaurant (which runs the cafe). Grab a bowl and go, preferably to a picnic in Capitol Park if not back to the office cubicle. 1230 N Street, (916) 443-5205.