Eight Gigs: Biz Markie

Fri., July 29, 7 p.m., Ace of Spades, $20

The diabolical Biz Markie is a national treasure. It’s been 27 years of no one ever tiring of singing along to “Just a Friend.” Go deeper into his catalog with hits like “Vapors,” “Make the Music With Your Mouth” and “Let Me Turn You On,” which resonate as some of hip-hop’s most influential and expressive tracks of all time. He is a dear friend to the Beastie Boys, once toured with Yo Gabba Gabba, cameoed in Sharknado 2: The Second One, and is the voice of Snorlock the Beatboxing Slug on Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time. Simply put, Biz Markie transcends. 1417 R Street, http://bizmarkie.com.