Didn’t hear it in the want ads

A third of American workers, whether management or rank-and-file, found their current jobs through networking. That means old-fashioned people skills—not advertising, job banks or Web sites. According to a recent survey by the Hudson Highland Group, Inc., a professional staffing company, it really is who you know that gets you a job.

Managers fill new positions:
Internal promotions 40 percent
Employee referrals 28 percent
Personal referrals 20 percent

That might be why it’s the same “old boys” club at the top:
Workers with Caucasian (white) bosses 76 percent
Workers with female bosses 38 percent
Workers who know someone denied a job/promotion/raise because of race 19 percent
Workers who know someone denied a job/promotion/raise because of gender 22 percent

Sources: Rasmussen Reports, Hudson Employment Index