Not as literate as you might think …

A recent report from Central Connecticut State University ranked the most-literate cities (and, of course, the least literate) based on a number of literacy landmarks (like booksellers per 10,000 residents, educational attainment per capita, library support and use, and newspaper readership). While Sac didn’t make the top 10, we also didn’t languish near the bottom—like our unfortunate neighbors Fresno (ranked 60 of 70) and Stockton (dead last!). Perhaps our motto should be “At least we’re smarter than Stockton!”

Here’s how Sacramento stacked up for literacy:

Overall literacy:
1st Seattle
28th Sacramento
70th Stockton

Number of booksellers per 10,000 population:
1st Seattle
27.5 Sacramento (four-way tie with Tulsa, Okla.; Columbus, Ohio; and Buffalo, N.Y.)
69th Stockton
70th Santa Ana

Education (percentage of adults with more than 8th grade, high-school and college degrees):
1st Seattle
44th Sacramento
70th Santa Ana

Libraries (support, holdings and use):
1st Cleveland
64th Sacramento
69th Stockton
70th Santa Ana

Source: America’s Most Literate Cities (, Central Connecticut State University.