Issue: November 16, 2017

Hi, and welcome to this week's issue of the Reno News & Review. This week, we've got our annual Dining Guide for you. In it, you'll find a story about M&M's Southern Cafe owners Mitchell and Geishula Moore, a guide to the Truckee Meadows' donut scene, and a guide to local social media groups for people with special dietary considerations.

For our feature story this week, a Puerto Rico resident recounts her struggles in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

We've also got a story from regular RN&R contributor Ashley Warren about a local woman who wants to revitalize the market for reusable glass bottles. That's in our News section.

Be sure to grab a copy of the paper from your favorite bar or coffee shop. It's the only way to lay eyes on some of our cartoons and columns like Streetalk. And drop us a line sometime. We love hearing from you.


Jeri Chadwell

RN&R Special Projects Editor