Issue: March 02, 2017

Welcome to this week's RN&R. I hope March finds you well and that you're enjoying the little bit of warm weather we're having. Hopefully it'll soon be time to take our copies of the RN&R outside where we can read them in the sunshine.

On the cover this week we've got a package with three stories about fighting, rejecting and enduring Trump. And over in our Upfront section, news editor Dennis Myers addresses some homework we were assigned via a letter to the editor from one of our regular readers.

In the arts section, you'll find stories from editors Kris Vagner and Brad Bynum. Kris has a story about the Latimer Art Club, which has been active in the Truckee Meadows since 1921. And Brad has a story about Pitch Black Printing Company.

Don't forget to check out our regular contributors' columns. Marc Tiar raises a glass to Silver Peak Restaurant & Brewery in the Drink section, and Todd South has the scoop on spicy Indian eats in this week's food column.

Don't forget to pick up a paper copy of the issue, which will give you access to cartoons and columns that aren't online. When you're done with it, you can use the pages to help your garden grow. It's easy. Just cover the bed of your garden with the pages, and water it until it's saturated. From there, lay down a layer of compost or mulch. The paper will help keep the weeds down.

Happy reading!

Jeri Chadwell-Singley

RN&R Special Projects Editor