Issue: May 21, 2015

Hi friends,

Every now and then, a journalist gets that unicorn assignment—one so far

removed from real work that it's basically a magical ride. I say as much

because arts editor Brad Bynum and I just checked out a slew of Midtown

bars, had at least one drink at each place—an act of sacrifice,

y'all—then did our best to recount the trek in this week's feature

story. Recollections vary.

Meanwhile, news editor Dennis Myers clues us in to Washoe County School

Board's entertaining legal-counsel woes; columnists Sheila Leslie and

Brendan Trainor discuss petulant legislators and systemic racism,

respectively; and film writer Bob Grimm takes a gander at the new Mad

Max movie. Good stuff.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to pick up our print edition for

exclusive columns, cartoons, and more. (This issue can also double as a

bar coaster, a drink bib, a phone-number log or something to hide behind

in public.) If not for you, we'd hit rock bottom.

Georgia Fisher

RN&R Special Projects Editor