Stuck on You

Rated 1.0 While Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon deliver winning performances as conjoined twins heading to Hollywood for a one-sided acting career, the Farrelly Brothers offer further proof that they have lost their comic mojo. Their film is stagnant, featuring just a few chucklers, too many groaners and a giant helping of sentimental pap. Seriously, these guys must return to their unabashedly crass, politically incorrect roots because their attempts at mainstream “sweet” humor are pathetic. It’s a shame to watch Damon and Kinnear wallow through this shit, considering the work that must’ve gone into dealing with their twin makeup. Both acquit themselves with decent work, but the Farrellys do not. After Shallow Hal and Osmosis Jones, they needed something to reestablish themselves as comic forces. This is not the film. This sucks.