Made of Honor

Rated 1.0

I know a new generation loves Patrick Dempsey for his whole Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. McDreamy thing. Well, I still remember Dempsey from that shit movie Can’t Buy Me Love, one of my all-time least favorite films. But after watching McDreamy’s latest, Made of Honor, I’m almost feeling sentimental for Can’t Buy Me Love. This is one massive turd burger. Dempsey plays a NYC playboy whose longtime friend (Michelle Monaghan) returns from Scotland with intent to marry, of all things, a Scottish guy. She enlists him to be her maid of honor, and stupid wedding and Scottish humor ensues. I expect his sort of crap from Dempsey, but it breaks my heart to see Michelle Monaghan in this sort of thing. Just because she has a mild resemblance to Sandra Bullock, doesn’t mean they need to make her the next Sandra Bullock. Monaghan is above all of this … at least I hope she is.