Help wanted: columnist

Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review.

Sometimes it seems like we in the media don’t use our own mediums very well. Often, it’s as simple as being extremely leery of conflicts of interest, but sometimes, it has more to do with keeping upcoming changes secret so the competition can’t beat you to the punch.

For example, for more than a year, my associates and I have been talking about the possibility of starting a new political/social column that would elucidate the conservative viewpoint. We’d call it “Right hook,” and we’d run it next to “View from the fray.” It wouldn’t be one of those point/counterpoint kind of things. Our columnists would basically be able to write about what they want to in a given week, short of slagging each other. The two would not be under any obligaton to write on the same topics in the same weeks.

There’s an election in the works, and more than anything, the RN&R likes dialogue. That seems to me to give an imperative to the idea. I’ve been asking my various friends, associates and acquaintances (and in some cases, respected foes), who they think could write such a column, and I’ve only had a few names arise.

So, I’ll ask you readers: Know anyone who can write a reasoned but energetic column from the non-liberal perspective? I’m not interested in hearing about anyone who is already writing a column for other media or candidates for political office. I’m also not interested in a columnist who can’t decide whether he or she leans left or right. Other than that, I’m pretty wide-open. If you’d like to be considered, e-mail me three sample 600-word columns. I’ll warn submitters, though, I’m not putting a deadline on this. When I receive the “right” submission, I’ll recognize it.

Reason to vote No. 35: Do you believe in the traditional separation of church and state? Your vote may decide whether this fundamental democratic principle continues undiluted in this country.