Just a little reminder

Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review.

Last week, I wrote about summer vacations, basically whining about the fact that I hadn’t taken or planned one, and looking forward to going to San Antonio for an alternative newsweekly conference. (Actually, I’m there as you’re reading this. I don’t know why I always think that’s funny.)

At any rate, I forgot one of the most crucial parts of being a human being in these rat-race times. You’ve got to have fun. If you don’t have some fun, you might as well be an automaton.

I’m not a cog. You’re not a cog. What we have to do is capitalize on those little moments in time that we are given. Don’t freakin’ sit in front of the television watching The Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld reruns. There’s a whole world out there. Take advantage.

Friday night, I went out on the town. I began my adventures at a cool little bar called the Satellite on California Avenue. The next night, my honey, son and I went out to Pyramid Lake to enjoy the billions and billions of stars exposed by the dark of the moon. We didn’t spend the whole day there, and nothing at home remained undone because we didn’t rush to do it. We went swimming on Saturday evening, slept under the stars on Saturday night, had a leisurely doughnut breakfast and swim on Sunday morning, Father’s Day. Somehow, those moments away from the daily grind were enough to adjust my attitude—just a little bit.

I guess there’s a bottom line to this: There are important aspects to living that can’t be ignored, and that playful side of yours needs a serious workout.

Reason to vote No. 32: The president whom you do or do not vote for gets to nominate judges to the United States Supreme Court. This week, the court decided police could demand your identity whenever they choose.