Burning Bernie questions

The journalist S. E. Cupp saw Trump’s tweet after Joe Biden’s big win in South Carolina, a tweet that read “Congratulations to Sleepy Joe Biden!” This snarky little blast was enough to inspire this response from Cupp: “Who would enjoy a grown-up, not a 5-year-old, in the White House?”

This isn’t just a fair question, but also a pretty decent summation of the 2020 campaign, as well as a nifty bumper sticker. Not bad at all.

Hey President Capone, way to eliminate the Virus Response Team established by Obama during the Ebola year of 2014. Way to dismantle it because it was an intelligent and effective creation, but, since it was created by Obama, it—of course—had all those nasty Obama cooties and, of course, had to therefore be destroyed. Very clairvoyant of you, president with skull of cement. Nice work.

So Bernie is 78. As is Bloomberg. Biden will be 78 later this year. For gawd’s sake, we’ve got the 78-year old honky B team! 3B78 in 2020.

Here is a very easy pledge to take this year, or at least it seems easy to me. That no matter who the Democratic nominee is, I will support him/her totally. No problem. Right?

I’m just a little concerned, though, that an ornery chunk of Bernie voters won’t take that pledge. Bernheads, I appreciate the passion. I appreciate the commitment. It’s a good thing. It’s a great thing. But dagnab it, there are gonna be times when you gotta take one for the team. That might happen to you this year. It just might. You gotta do better in this arena than you did in 2016. Cool?

I’m a stone cold hippie socialist boomer geezer from California. Just slightly to the left of Jane Fonda. I dig Bernie. Big time. And that’s exactly what scares the poop out of me. Because I know that if a guy like me really likes a candidate, he/she probably has no chance in Oshkosh or Kalamazoo or Scranton or Tallahassee, places that (1) will be incredibly important in this election, and (2) don’t care much for tie-dyed hoodies. There’s only one thing that must be done this year. Just one. It’s do or die time, mofos. For real.

So Berners, good luck and give ’em hell. I pledge right now that if you come out of the Convention with the nomination, I will bust my ass to make sure Bernie becomes the next president. You’re goddamned right.

The question—will you folks suck it up and do the same if Bernie falls short?