Passing judgment …

While his fellows look on, Juror No. 5 (Jeffrey L. Bowles) stands and delivers his judgment in a scene from Theatre on the Ridge’s latest production, Twelve Angry Men, opening Thursday, Sept. 6 at the Playhouse. Director Len Fulton has added a few unique spins to the classic courtroom drama, one of which is casting both men and women in the major roles. The story revolves around a seemingly “open and shut” murder case that undergoes the scrutiny of a lone jury member in spite of protestations from the others. Show runs Thursday-Saturday, Sept. 6-29, with 2 p.m. Sunday matinees Sept. 16 and 23. Tickets: $14, opening night (includes champagne and hors d’oeuvres); $7, advance, $9, door-opening weekend; all others: $8 advance, $10 door. TOTR Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd., Paradise. Information: 877-5760.