Caught in a web …

Two prisoners, one locked up for his political activities and the other for “gross indecency,” attempt to find some common ground, in Manuel Puig‘s drama Kiss of the Spider Woman, opening next Friday, Sept. 7, at 7:30 p.m. Within a repressed, rigid society, Molina (Jerry Miller, left) has been imprisoned solely because of his sexual preferences, while Valentin (Joe Hilsee, right) has been incarcerated for his trouble-making political beliefs. Can these two different men arrive at a shared enlightenment? Or will they simply use each other’s weaknesses to kill time? Directed by David Clyne. Runs Thursday-Saturday through Sept. 29. Special Sunday evening show Sept. 16. Tickets: $10, general; $8, students/seniors. Thursdays, all seats only $5. The Blue Room Theatre, 139 West First St. (Upstairs from Collier Hardware). Info & reservations: 895-3749.