Letters for June 21, 2018

Let’s hear from teachers

Re “Why is Sacramento failing its black students?” by Kris Hooks (Feature, June 14):

I taught in various inner city and rural schools here for the last 20 years. Most teachers would do anything they can to have a well-ordered, functional classroom that is inclusive. They also know that suspending students makes them pay a price in terms of their standing with other students, administrators and parents. I believe most teachers will try almost anything not to have to make such a decision. But articles like this would have us believe that the school is nothing more than another racist institution bent on holding blacks in servitude.

How about an article that exposes how poor the education is for the rest of the students that want an education but can’t get one due to the small number of uncontrolled students who disrupt classes day after day? Where is their voice? And what are the roots of the problem? Is there any mention whatsoever regarding the homes these “persecuted” students come from?

Is SN&R more interested in rooting out and finding solutions to issues or simply passing on the same staid narrative? I’m sure there are merits to the argument put forth in the article, however the title itself is enough to put off anyone who believes that the individual still retains more control over the course of events in their life than anyone else around them.

Karl William Liebhardt


via newsreview.com

Advance teachers of color

Re “Why is Sacramento failing its black students?” by Kris Hooks (Feature, June 14):

I am a veteran teacher since 1995 in San Juan Unified School District. Right now the district is having cultural competency training. The district has had a change in the student population to 49 percent students of color, and 1 percent educators and advanced positions that are reflective of the cultural changes among students.

Because I spoke out about advanced employment within the school district that involved hiring more of us of color, I have become an open target. This was the first summer I was not allowed to teach summer school as a means of retaliation. What you fail to understand is that these spokespeople who talk on behalf of the district are not providing accurate information to really have people understand how the lack of change is impacting students of color, in particular black and brown boys.

The level of fear among us of color is so bad that many tend to whisper about how racist the school district is but will not speak openly. I am all alone fighting and the reason is because there is a strong need to employ us of color in advanced positions too. I know if we were at the decision-making tables it would help decrease the number of black and brown children being suspended.

Kim Austin


via newsreview.com

Vote-splitting is good

Re “We need more parties” by David Urman (Letters, June 14):

Ranked-choice voting would allow David to vote his convictions and not waste his vote. It promotes civil campaigns, solves the vote-splitting issue and provides a majority winner in one election instead of costly runoffs. Adopted by voters for use statewide in Maine. Vote-splitting is happening in lots of races and can cause many hard feelings as supporters align behind their candidate. And if a partisan race, the parties anoint, endorse and fund only one. This can prevent good candidates from running and reduces choice for voters.

Paula Lee


via newsreview.com