Issue: June 05, 2014

It would be a direct cash payment from taxpayers to wealthy film producers.

Dear Folks,

Last year actor Nicolas Cage convinced the Nevada

Legislature to give Hollywood a tax break. This

week in the Reno News & Review cover story, we'll

look at what went into that decision?and why

other states were dropping their tax incentives

just as Nevada was embracing them.

Elsewhere in the paper, Sage Leehey tells about

how a local community group and a business are

working with parallel groups in Argentina and

Chile to mesh their environmental programs. Tim

Prentiss writes about what happened to the

project to convert the Christian Science building

on Riverside Drive into a Lear Theatre. Ashley

Hennefer describes what some people are calling a

new art form?photos taken with smartphones. And

our film critic Bob Grimm has his say about A Million Ways to Die in the West.

Thank you for reading us.

Take care,

Dennis Myers

News editor