Tropical breeze

Any active person knows how a heavy, sweat-soaked shirt feels. The weight is a motivation killer, and the smell can be unfortunate. The solution to this problem may lie in sustainable, breathable clothes made from the fibers of coconut husks. Cocona Inc., based out of Boulder, Colo., burns coconut husks discarded by the food service industry for the activated carbon in its charcoal. They mix the activated carbon with recycled polyester fibers to create a fabric that wicks moisture off the body but is also insulating. Cocona, in partner with various athletic clothing brands such as Adidas, Patagonia and Marmot, has developed spun fabrics, glove inserts and shoe linings designed to maximize the comfort of the wearer. With maximum sweat absorption, comfort and UV protection, coconuts might set the new standard for athletic clothing performance.