Trophy moms

World’s Worst Moms gives parents a place to share

Photo By allison young

The world was a much smaller place before the internet. The people you knew were the people who lived close. Information was not as readily available. But now—with the internet being the first go-to place for everybody who has decided that the tickle in the back of their throat is definitely cancer—we can self-educate and find communities of like-minded people to become part of.

A widespread phenomenon in the wonderful land of the internet is “mommy blogging,” although the movement also includes plenty of “daddy bloggers”, too (“The write stuff,” May 10, 2012). Women and men from all over the world are coming together to share their experiences, knowledge, and insecurities regarding parenthood.

Local writer Tammy Soong is the author of the popular blog World’s Worst Moms,, written in the hopes of empowering parents with the knowledge that nobody is perfect.

“In 2010, I started World’s Worst Moms as a way to let other moms share their ‘bad mommy’ stories,” Soong said. “The idea came from a guilt-ridden incident with my daughter when I misread the start-time for a birthday party she was really, really looking forward to attending. I felt like such a terrible person for being late. She cried the whole way. But when I got there, all of the other moms were so supportive. They basically gave me a ‘been there, done that’ and told me a bunch of funny stories about how they’d screwed up their children. It was an empowering moment.” The site is full of stories of moms and dads who from time to time struggle with parenting. World’s Worst Moms is a place for them to turn for empathy and some laughs.

Some bloggers dislike the term “mommy bloggers,” but Soong doesn’t mind it.

“I know there are some bloggers who despise being called mommy bloggers,” said Soong. “I frankly don’t care. I’m a mom. I blog. I blog about being a mom. But I also blog about everything else that affects me: my cousin dying tragically, the presidential race, the Super Bowl. It just so happens that my kids are usually front and center in those narratives because they’re front and center in my life.”

Blogs are a great way to find groups of people who think similarly, or who can offer guidance on a range of different things. Soong offers parents a self-deprecating and humorous take on life and all of the struggles of parenting. She introduces herself on her site as, “wife, mommy, political junky, chronic complainer, godless liberal, and Hallmark-commercial-level sap,” which provides the reader with a non judgmental forum to unload concerns or to help others through a rough patch.

Soong encourages discussion and a sense of community within her blog and appreciates the voice the “mommy blog” movement has given to women, The popularity of parent blogs gives a voice to the complex and sometimes terrifying experience of being a parent.

“I love that so many topics of discussion and points of view come out that otherwise wouldn’t have been heard,” she said.