Town for sale

Wissbeck at Nevada Scheelite in 1987.

Wissbeck at Nevada Scheelite in 1987.

A relatively recent Nevada ghost town is for sale.

Located about a hundred miles east of Carson City in Mineral County, Nevada Scheelite had mines for tungsten, scheelite, and about a dozen other minerals until the 1950s and possibly later (records are sketchy). Some prominent Nevadans, such as reporter Larry Wissbeck and former state legislator and Washoe school board member Nancy Gomes, lived there in its heyday.

An online sales notice says the town has power, water and telephone service. “Most of the equipment is aged and will require repairs and maintenance prior to full mining operations. … Tungsten prices have recovered and the Chinese are controlling an estimated 80 percent of tungsten.” The current owner is now retired and living in Arizona.

There are still some living quarters and a children’s playground on the property—or were still there, the last time Wissbeck visited.

The asking price is $2.3 million, “Furniture/fixtures and inventory/stock included.”