The new Schwarzenegger

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson picks up where Governor Schwarzenegger left off with this fun jungle adventure that is a successful mix of action and comedy. The Rock carries himself well in a film that requires him to perform some pretty risky stunts, not to mention a scene where a baboon humps his face. The Rock plays a bounty hunter who journeys to the Amazon to apprehend Travis (Sean William Scott), the wiseguy son of his employer. Upon reaching the jungle, The Rock finds himself up against a crazy miner (Christopher Walken) who won’t let him take Travis because he knows too much about an ancient and very precious artifact. Walken has some funny moments, but Scott gets a bit grating at times.

Special Features: There’s a decent bunch of short documentaries, including a rather strange one involving The Rock’s relationship with his monkey costar. Director Peter Berg and The Rock provide a fun commentary that’s a bit nonsensical, but so is the film, so it’s appropriate.

Movie: B-

Special Features: B-

DVD Geek Factor: 4