Ten Reasons

Ten reasons I’d rather be in Black Rock City
<ol> <li> Never had a meal interrupted by a cell phone </li> <li> Naked chicks (and guys, adds my girlfriend Kathleen) </li> <li> Public art everywhere </li> <li> No clock to punch </li> <li> Motorists make way for bikes </li> <li> People are tolerant </li> <li> The colors look like music, man </li> <li> The kid’s at the babysitter </li> <li> Free entertainment </li> <li> Dust devils </li> </ol>

Ten reasons I’d rather be in Reno
<ol> <li> My bathroom may not be cleaner, but it smells better </li> <li> Never had anyone tell me he likes to eat dirt </li> <li> The Simpsons </li> <li> My garden </li> <li> Few people take pictures of me when I’m naked </li> <li> Not as many cops </li> <li> Running water </li> <li> No playa boogers </li> <li> Red meat </li> <li> Handy 12-step programs </li> </ol>