Spring Breakers

Rated 1.0

This looked like it would be fun. A movie full of bikini-clad starlets, including Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez, going on a crime spree to raise money for a spring break trip, and then continuing the crime spree when they get to Florida. Director Harmony Korine blows a good opportunity for fun by making a repetitive, slow, sloppy movie with no script. James Franco shows up as a rapper/crime lord who can't rap for dick and looks like an idiot. I was hoping Franco could bring some offbeat fun to the party, but all we get is him describing the contents of his room and making up stupid songs. This one feels like the director shot about fifteen minutes worth of worthy footage and stretched it out by repeating said footage or picking stuff up off the cutting room floor and throwing it back in. It's getting some relatively decent critical acclaim, and this shocks me. This shocks me on many levels.