Spirited writer

Caryn Colgan

Photo By David Robert

Caryn Colgan of Reno is the author of Ancient Pact, Volume 1: The Element of Air. Since its release on April 15, the book, published by Good Spirited Company, has received national recognition with the 2006 Best Books Award for New Age Fiction. When she isn’t writing, Colgan speaks on the topics of past life regression, reincarnation and accelerating karma. Colgan will be speaking at the Soroptimist International of Truckee Meadows event Arts, Authors & Autos, which will be held at the National Automobile Museum on Nov. 3-4.

What is your book about?

This book is about restoring balance between women and men, renaming humanity to be humankind rather than mankind. We really have to get back to balance in order to honor each other and the planet. We have to take care of this planet.

How did you, a former tax consultant and corporate CPA, make the transition to New Age fiction author?

In 1991, I was driving in my car to meet some friends for dinner and encountered a construction zone, where I experienced a vivid past life regression. I had driven about a football length in my car, but I had no memory while driving.

Where did the inspiration for this book come from?

Past lives can come into your current life to provide a learning opportunity. This is the genesis of the story. I spent a year preparing to write, then wrote the book in nine days. The story told itself despite my cue cards. I only stopped typing when I had to.

The main character, Karen Coleman, shares your first name and a very similar last name. What other qualities do you have in common?

My desire to be in control of my environment, openness to changing how we see the world and reality, the sense of adventure and reluctance to make a commitment to potentially be a target for ridicule.

How did you overcome your fear of ridicule to tell the story?

It was keeping me up at night. I’d tried to write it, but I was trying to control it too much. I had to tell this story. This is my purpose for being here.

Who is the ancient tribe of guardians that you are seeking to unite?

They were people who understood that we are spiritual beings temporarily housed in physical beings. They knew there were certain powers, as well as responsibilities toward each other and to the planet, active while we are in this body. I absolutely believe they existed. I can’t prove it, but I do.

Your goal is to accelerate karma globally, how do you plan to achieve this?

By assembling the tribe, finding people around the world that are committed to making the world a better place and are willing to take personal responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions.

When will Ancient Pact, Volume 2: The Element of Water be available?

I’m hoping that will be next year around this time, but it could be longer. I have to go on retreat to get it written.

Do you plan to write a volume on the fifth element, metal?

I haven’t decided yet. It’s not part of the original plan to write four volumes, but it could be revealed to me.

Where is the book available?

Indigo Sage, Sundance and Borders.