School stuff

D. Brian Burghart is the Editor of the Reno News & Review and Join the Pack

Welcome to the first annual issue of Join the Pack as produced by the Reno News & Review.

If you’re from out of town, this is probably your introduction to the Reno News & Review as well. We’re the local weekly newspaper. I’m the editor. Welcome aboard. Glad to have you.

While the RN&R isn’t a college newspaper, we do have our college connections. I graduated from the university (although, I note, they hardly ever mention the fact in their promotional materials). Our arts editor, Miranda Jesch, graduated from the university. So did our calendar editor, Kelley Lang. Our news editor, Dennis Myers, was writing for the UNR newspaper, The Sagebrush, before the words “desktop publishing” were even imagined.

This publication, Join the Pack, was written entirely by people involved with or graduated from the university. Some of them are journalism students. Some are just people who wanted to develop a writing relationship with the RN&R.

I’m very pleased overall with how our first Join the Pack turned out. I think there is a good mix of scholastic, health, technological and fun stories. While the issue is as comprehensive as we could make it, you’ll want to be sure and pick up the RN&R throughout the school year.

At any rate, I hope you find the issue amusing and informative. If you have comments, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

The hot majors

Pains to register

The right professor

It’s not who you know … ok, it’s who you know

Reno from a to z



Cheap living

‘I caught an std?’

Beat the stress

Watcha gonna do?

No need to cheat

Map of Campus