Republicans avoiding Nevada?

A Boston Globe reporter named James Pindell last week wrote an article headlined, “For GOP, Nevada hasn’t been the place to be.”

Nevada’s presidential caucuses is the third nominating convention delegate selection event in the nation, after the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. South Carolina follows Nevada with a primary.

Pindell found that the National Journal candidate tracker showed that candidates in the two major political parties have made 315 separate trips to New Hampshire this year, 302 trips to Iowa, 165 to South Carolina, and 51 to Nevada. From this, he concluded that “the Nevada caucuses remain an afterthought, especially for Republicans.”

Pindell did not allow for the mobility factor and how to make best use of some candidates’ time. Of the major GOP candidates, the movements from the East Coast of five—Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio—are limited by their jobs as members of Congress or governor. Nevada is 2,500 miles from the District of Columbia, South Carolina is 490 miles.

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio is a little better off—Ohio is only 1,120 miles from Nevada. Kasich’s most frequently visited state is Iowa, two states away from Ohio.