Relic going modern

Leaning against the vinyl albums bins at Sundance Books is a product called “LP Crate”—a kit for assembling an orange crate (“PRE-DRILLED FOR EASY ASSEMBLY”), the kind that, during the age of vinyl in the 20th century, was given away by grocers (or liberated by other means) and heavily used in college dorms alongside the boards-and-cinder-block bookcases. What was then free now goes for $30.

Leaning against the vinyl albums bins at Sundance Books is a product called “LP Crate”—a kit for assembling an orange crate (“PRE-DRILLED FOR EASY ASSEMBLY”), the kind that, during the age of vinyl in the 20th century, was given away by grocers (or liberated by other means) and heavily used in college dorms alongside the boards-and-cinder-block bookcases. What was then free now goes for $30.

Photo By Dennis Myers