Recession reflection

Recession reflection

A new Dollar Tree is being opened on Oddie Boulevard in part of the old Montgomery Ward building. Since the recession began, dollar stores have been doing well. People who once would never have set foot in them have been frequenting them. In other states, their business has begun dropping off as recovery has been felt, to the point that dollar store corporate stock market prices have started to decline—mainly of “not really a dollar stores” that price merchandise in dollar increments ($2, $6, etc.). But in Nevada they are still thriving, particularly Dollar Tree, which actually sells everything for a dollar or less.

A new Dollar Tree is being opened on Oddie Boulevard in part of the old Montgomery Ward building. Since the recession began, dollar stores have been doing well. People who once would never have set foot in them have been frequenting them. In other states, their business has begun dropping off as recovery has been felt, to the point that dollar store corporate stock market prices have started to decline—mainly of “not really a dollar stores” that price merchandise in dollar increments ($2, $6, etc.). But in Nevada they are still thriving, particularly Dollar Tree, which actually sells everything for a dollar or less.

Photo By dennis myers