Power’s out

A “Stop Smart Meters” demonstration was held on South Virginia Street last weekend, in conjunction with the National Day of Action to Stop Smart Meters held on Oct. 4, organized by StopSmartMeters.org.

An email sent out from Joannah Schumacher of No Smart Meters NV said, “Stonewalled by the system, concerned individuals take to the street! Concerned individuals are attempting to call to the attention of the general public the grave violation of our constitutionally protected First Amendment and Fourth Amendment Rights (of redress of grievances and to be secure in your home respectively).”

Nevada opposition against smart meters started over a year ago (“Gridlocked,” Jan. 5; “Grid lines,” July 19) after residents in California were concerned about the potential health risks of smart meters, claiming that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the devices was making people sick. But many scientists and numerous studies have ruled out any threat to health, noting that any ailments related to smart meters are psychosomatic.

The disclaimer on StopSmartMeters.org states, “This website is intended to help advance knowledge and stimulate further research. While all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the validity of the information given, no warranty is given towards its accuracy. It is not intended to substitute for medical or legal advice nor as a final statement with regard to possible prevention and avoidance recommendations or potential biological effects.”