numbers to know

Here are some phone numbers of resources to contact in case you or someone you know in Washoe County has been raped:

crisis call center crisis line:

784-8090 or (800) 992-5757


· Reno Police Department: 334-2175

Dispatch: 334-2677

· Sparks Police Department: 353-2279

Detectives: 353-2225

·Washoe County Sheriffs Department: 328-3001

Dispatch: 785-4629

Detectives: 328-3320


· Northern Nevada Medical Center, emergency room: 356-4040

· St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, emergency room: 789-3188

· Washoe Medical Center: 982-4100

follow-up treatment:

· Washoe County Health Department: 328-2470

financial programs:

· Victim-Witness Assistance Program: 328-3210

· Victims of Crime Compensation: 688-2900