
Rated 5.0

Looper: Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Joe, a loner living in 2042 who has actually been sent back from the year 2072 to kill people that organized crime wishes to dispose of. He stands in a field with his gun aimed at a tarp, waiting for his hooded victim to zap back from the future and receive a very rude greeting. Very bad, and very entertaining, things happen when the man sent back to be executed is actually Joe’s future self (Bruce Willis). Willis is great here as a tired and scared old criminal hell bent on fixing his future. Gordon-Levitt is even better as an embittered, callous young man looking to preserve his future and get his older self out of the picture. Gordon-Levitt, made up to look like a younger Willis, does a nice job of capturing the Willis stare and growl. Emily Blunt is on hand as a mother trying to protect her child, and Paul Dano lights up the screen with a pivotal supporting role. This is one of the year’s most ingenious films, and one of the best time travel yarns you’re going to see.