Letters for October 23, 2003

Nobody here but us…
Re “PETA protests at KFC” [RN&R, News, Sept. 25]:

Do we, as a country, have our heads shoved so far up our asses that we are truly concerned for the welfare of chickens? While we’re at it, let’s persecute McDonald’s and Burger King for peddling bovine meat to the unsuspecting masses. I apologize if I’m wrong in thinking that there are more atrocious things on this planet to worry about than the proper treatment of the chickens at KFC. Don’t get me wrong, animal cruelty strikes a chord with me also, but it seems the fight for less attractive animals’ rights, like alligators and rats, doesn’t pose much of a concern compared to the feathery fowl. Do we bother to think about people in Third World countries that would view chicken in their dinner as a privilege? Do we remember people in this world who haven’t even had the chance to taste chicken? I consider myself lucky that I have the choice to eat whatever I want whenever I want.

When did the rights of chickens take precedence over those of children molested and beaten on a daily basis? And the rights of people suffering from cancer and AIDS to receive treatment when they can’t afford it? One could say the reason America has so many problems is because we care more about the way our chickens feel before they go to the slaughterhouse than how our citizens feel when they go hungry for the third night in a row. Or when they prepare for another long night of cancer’s agony because the limit on insurance has been reached and they can’t afford the pain medication. But I guess cancer and AIDS aren’t attractive enough.

If there are still people out there that really care about the chickens, I suggest they start a Stop Being Mean to Chickens Fund and grant terminally doomed chickens their life’s wish.

Catherine Babione

How would Jesus vote?
Re “Conservatism is a dirty word” [RN&R, Guest comment, Oct. 16]:

I want to thank Randy Haynes for boiling down the whole conservative movement, in the space of six paragraphs, to show its complete hypocrisy. If Jesus came back today, He may not be a Democrat, but He sure as hell wouldn’t be a Republican!

Harry Reynolds

If you tear it down, will they come?
Welcome to Reno, folks! Please look around and see what we have done for your visit. We have taken out five motels and a gas station to make a bigger Bowling Stadium, but that may be on hold while we twiddle our fingers about it. Next we have the Big Ditch we are building for the trains to go through. It will cost more than it’s worth, but, on the bright side, when the Truckee River overflows, it will be a back-up river to play in. It will be easier for those who want to end it all because all they will have to do is jump in front of the train, and their families will be able to say they fell in by accident. If you want to give thanks to anyone, please feel free to contact the Reno mayor—if you can reach him.

Gene Newhall

A poet who knows it
Re “War of the poets” [RN&R, Arts & culture, Oct. 9]:

Rory, Rory, Rory, friend and silly fellow: We all know who really is the best poet and spoken word artist in northern Nevada, southern Nevada and planet Earth. Do I have to say his name?

Hank “Not Bukowski” Sosnowski
via e-mail

Plans for conquest
The Axis of Opportunism groomed California with power supply manipulations that enriched billionaires and instilled blind rage in the populace. That rage proved to be just what was needed to guide the public into supporting a knee-jerk recall that puts more power in the hands of those responsible for that rage. Public fear was used to guide people into the support of a war fought to make the world safer for the same billionaire club. The intriguing question now is, what emotions will be manipulated to ensure that we support the reelection of the axis of opportunism in 2004? Rage? Fear? Self-righteous congratulation?

It has gotten difficult to determine exactly who the boogey men are and from where they reign. The sudden discovery of all those stockpiles of WMD’s would serve nicely. But then, it seems we should have at least one follow-up terrorist attack on U.S soil. That would symbolically justify further restrictions on American liberties that could result in political dissent while stirring up ironic support for those that have brought us endless war and fear in the first place.

Darin Bue
Floriston, Calif.