Letters for October 21, 2010

Chasing Amy

Re “Pier pressure” (The Advice Goddess, Oct. 14):

She’s done it again! Amy Alkon, The Advice Goddess, I mean. I love the RN&R, its “what’s happening info,” entertaining columns and even the advertisements. But when the RN&R first arrives here at Shady Pines, I turn right to The Advice Goddess.

She has a sharp mind and pen and gives hilarious answers to some ridiculous questions, but she has the acumen to recognize when the problem is serious, and she dispenses sound, potentially problem-solving advice.

Hang on to her.

Jackie Fleming
via email

Best religion

Re “First Amendment vs. First Commandment” (Feature story, Oct. 7):

It becomes brutally clear why the concept of separation between church and state is so necessary. Historically—and right now in this very newspaper—as soon as the concept of “one religion” comes up, it is immediately followed by the question, “whose?” and then the metaphorical or actual blood begins to flow. The notion that belonging to or believing in any particular faith automatically makes one either a good or bad person is absurd. There is not and has never been any belief system at any time or place on earth that has not housed evil people who either ignore the tenets of their claimed faith or warp them into something ugly and destructive. There is not and has never been any belief system—including atheism—that has not been the home of people of irreproachable moral integrity, honor, wisdom and humanity as well. So accusing Harry Reid of having a “Mormon agenda” tells me nothing about him that I can’t already surmise by observing his history as a public servant (and, for the most part, it’s been both impressive and utterly non-sectarian). It does tell me a great deal about Sharron Angle and her supporters, however. That she and they would choose to use this method to attack her opponent, as well as come out in favor of establishing state religion, shows a critical lack of the tolerance and empathy necessary to govern humanely. On the basis of this one issue alone (even if so many of Angle’s other political statements were not so often lacking in solid factual and logical underpinning), I would argue that she should never be allowed political power of any kind whatsoever, let alone that of one of the highest offices in the land.

James Winn
via email

BPA and autism

Re “The myth of the BPA-free diet” (Feature story, Dec. 3, 2009):

I am interested in the effects of BPA and Aspergers syndrome.

Are sip drinks lined with BPA? Do you know if the Ideal Diet Products are packaged with harmful packaging? Since there are so many children in America being diagnosed within the autism spectrum, more articles like this should be accessible to the public. I don’t know how people attending walks wearing ribbons of a particular color are going to stop the rise of cancer and autism.

It is so frustrating to see this color-coded mentality. If we wear a pink ribbon or red T-shirt how is that going to stop anything, unless the industries and science make the public aware of the true culprits?

Catrina Russel
Whitestone, N.Y.

Vote for liberty

Re “Don’t vote” (Editorial, Oct. 7):

This is how I would write the first line to your editorial “Don’t vote”:

I won’t vote. I won’t vote again until the day there is a single ballot question that asks, “Do you wish to be governed, or do you wish to be free?”

I will vote again for freedom.

You see, I have that same dream, the dream of our forefathers, and so many other patriots that have come after them, that dream that the day will come when we will truly be “free at last.”

Michael J. Ahles

Liberal founders

Re “First Amendment vs. First Commandment” (Feature story, Oct. 7):

I would like to add some research for Mr. Myers, please read the Kitzmueller v. Dover in Pennsylvania. This was in most respects a landmark case of evolution vs. creation. The conclusion: Creation is religion, and evolution is science. When we see a tangle between religion and the government, keep in mind the “wedge” document. This is the guiding principle between the fundamental Christians and making the United States a biblically run society. The fundamentals would love to see us wrap around all things religious, and the default answer is “goddidit.”

The principle of the division of religion and government was recognized by the founders, contrary to the Christian rights opinion, as the United States was founded on freedom, not to be dictated by one religion or group. If you read the court case, to the Christian right, there is one way and one religion. This is a contradiction of how we were founded to begin with. A recent radio host on KOH said how conservative our founders were. Well, just the opposite, they were in many respects the radicals of their day. Times and governments have changed, yet the United States is still surviving.

I see Sharron Angle as the next step for the religious right to take the next step and form a biblical state of the United States. Religion has done so much damage in other countries. This has me very concerned as she definitely has the moral majority take on things. Even Harry seems a better choice with this in mind.

Ted Beecher

Truth vs. mythology

Re “First Amendment vs. First Commandment” (Feature story, Oct. 7):

The cover story about the separation stance brings up tired and murky issues which will never end.

Religion is just another attempt to justify mythology.

Nothing more and nothing less. The stories in the beginning of the Bible are at best fables and at worst lies.

It’s beyond me how so many can continue to accept the clear attempt to control the masses with the apparent mind manipulation associated with religion.

At the beginning of this country, there actually were church taxes imposed on the people. This is little known but true. The so-called church is just another 501-C-3 branch of this deceptive thing called government.

Let’s call it as it is: We are the wage slaves of a controlling group of elitist banking families which have passed their interests on to their heirs.

Jesus seemed to be a good and decent man who cared for the masses to his end. I can’t understand why the churches of man today can condone war and support the money interests as they do. It must be the hidden agenda that most good church going people don’t fully understand.

The religions of the East seem to have a more honest attempt at a spiritual path. Their beliefs about lives of the past and lives in the future are much more reasonable. And, as I have seen, they honor Jesus and Moses—something which I have not seen in Western religion’s respect for the religious icons of Eastern religions.

Donald Ray