
The Register rebounds
Owners of the Virginia City Register, which had been up for sale (”News on the Comstock,” RN&R, May 19), reported last week that they have taken the newspaper off the market.

“Negotiations with prospective buyers proved to be unsatisfactory for a variety of reasons…” Doug and Sharon Truhill announced in the Register. “As you may have read here, the main reason we had decided to sell revolved around time. Obligations to family and a commitment to a business we had joined with old friends seemed to prohibit our going on putting in the time on the newspaper.” They said this problem was solved when “several offers of material aid, including financial backing,” were made.

After the announcement that the paper would survive under its present owners, much of the article, plus an accompanying longer piece, was devoted to denouncing the competing Comstock Chronicle (referred to only as “a competitor") for a “nasty and ruthless tactic"—spreading the word that the Register was going “belly-up and that we were insolvent.”

The Register didn’t quote any Chronicle personnel by name as having spread rumors. Chronicle editor Nick Nicosia was not available for comment.