Here’s the wording of the question on November’s ballot:

School District Bond Advisory Question:

Shall the Washoe County School District be authorized to issue general school bonds to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement and equipping of school facilities? District projections at the time the bonds are issued must indicate that issuance of the bonds will not result in an increase of the existing school bond property tax rate of 38.85 cents per $100 of assessed value. If approved, this authorization will expire Nov. 5, 2012.

A “Yes” vote would allow the school district to issue new bonds as old ones are paid off in order to finance the building of six new schools, the repair of several old schools, the expansion of three high schools and other capital improvement projects like technology upgrades.

A "No" vote would force the school district to come back with bond issues to finance schools in the coming elections. As bonds are paid off, property tax rates would go down, meaning more money for you—but increasingly crowded schools for the youth of the county.