Friends aid library with 100k

A lot of public institutions have suffered during the recession. The states’ higher-education budget—down by about a third—is often cited as a particularly egregious case.

So the cuts endured by the Washoe County Library—more than 40 percent in five years—have to stand as among the more severe. Its budget in the current fiscal year is $7,851,000. That compares with $12,587,517 in 2006-2007.

The library has a private group formed to support its functions and last week Friends of Washoe County Library rode to the rescue with $100,000. Never was the money more needed. Friends is the group that holds huge book sales a couple of times a year to raise money. In fact, its next sale is Feb. 11-12. Details are available at Since providing the library with $4,000 in 1991, Friends has given $1.4 million.