Fahrenheit 9/11

Rated 4.0 The Bush administration is in the crosshairs for this one, an often shocking film that poses many questions about 9/11, the Iraq war and Bush’s ties to Saudi Arabia. While documentary filmmaker Michael Moore performs some of his usual, unfair ambush tricks in this attack on the Bush administration, this film works mainly because Moore allows Bush and his cronies to indict themselves. One can’t deny the stunning impact of moments such as the President making an impassioned call for world leaders to help fight the war on terror and then smugly inviting members of the press to behold his mammoth golf swing. The film is alternately hilarious and horrifying, with some grisly war footage that is liable to leave more than a few shaken. Moore’s ambush of congressman on their way to work, asking them if they are willing to send their children off to war, comprises the film’s weakest moment. Just what are the congressmen supposed to do and say? (“Yes, you can take my child, regardless of age, into the service without their personal consent because I am very afraid of you, Michael Moore!”) Still, Moore’s childish antics are minimal, and he’s done a rather convincing job assembling footage that makes the current administration look frighteningly moronic. (John Ashcroft singing his song makes me want to throw up!) This one is as damaging to the Bush administration as Super Size Me is to McDonald’s.