Enabling a fake president

So when Twitler tweeted on Jan. 6 that “my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” my first thought was, “Is he serious? He can’t be! Right?” Second thought—of course he’s serious. He possesses all the ironic/sarcastic subtlety of The Hulk. Which means he has no clue that that “like” basically broadcasts to all that he’s the opposite of smart. Just marvel at this for a second. He didn’t say “like, really smart,” he wrote it out. He tweeted it. Wow. This means he (1) wrote this bizarre garbage, then (2) looked at it, and (3) amazingly—hit the send button!

Third thought—every genuinely smart person on Earth who read that tweet undoubtedly had the same instant reaction: “OMG” (followed by cliché single tragic teardrop rolling down cheek).

Of course, Fire and Fury is essential reading. For those harping on the poor editing (lots of typos), I say don’t get too hung up. Yes, the book could have benefited from another spin through the editing cycle, it’s true, but criticizing it on this level doesn’t mean that the gist of the book is wrong or inaccurate. It means there are some typos and, OK, get over it, and, yes, they’re annoying but Jesus Christ there’s a jerkoff goon cretin madman in the White House and he’s surrounded by a bunch of malicious dipshits and this, folks, is what this outrageous book is all about.

One thing author Mike Wolff reminds us—on the very first day of Trump’s administration, when he went to the CIA and blustered his way through a disturbing and bizarre ghoulash of disassociated jibberish while standing in front of the Wall honoring the agents who’ve been killed, our brand new Moron-In-Chief told the assembled crowd, “I’m, like, really smart.”

The overriding important thing to remember now is not about Trump. It’s about the ReTrumplican Party. It’s now obvious as dirt in the desert that every GOP congressperson and senator in DC—every stinkin’ one—is now covering for and enabling this farce of a fake presidency to survive. Indeed, many ReTrumplickins are now actively thwarting legitimate investigations in order to prop up this pitiful fucking sham. Think Grassley, Graham and Nunes. Their mutinous monkey-wrenching reminds us all that there is really only one thing to be done. Vote all of these treasonous fiends out in November—every last one of them. They’re truly dangerous to America and truly party over country. Only a Democratic House can restore some sanity to a rapidly deteriorating situation.